
Year 6

PGL Picture Update - Thursday

Update from PGL on Thursday

It has been yet another fantastic day at PGL. Today has offered a range of climbing activities for the children to complete including up their giant wall. The children also particularly enjoyed completing some rifle shooting on the range today. Some of the children will be proudly showing off their target scores. The children have embraced the PGL way of settling matters called "The Moo Off". This involves getting on your hands and knees and mooing at your opponent till they crack in to laughter. I am expecting this be a consistent part of life in Y6 till the end of the year. The children have done some packing this evening ahead of departure tomorrow afternoon. Many of them are quite tired so prepare for some sleep-ins this weekend. 

Mr Hopson

Wednesday Update of Pictures from PGL

Wednesday Update from PGL

Paddle boarding has been the name of the game today for most of the children. They have enjoyed learning new skills on the water and we have been blessed by the weather in the process. Alongside this, the children have completed a range of other activities today including: Sensory Trail (where the children complete a range of challenges whilst blindfolded), Abseiling and Orienteering. 

The food continues to be delicious with the Salad Bar being compared to an establishment next door to the school on a regular basis. 

Mr Hopson

Tuesday Pictures from PGL

Tuesday Update from PGL

What a fantastic first full day at PGL it has been. The children have completed activities such as: Zipwire, Trapeze and Jacob's Ladder today. The children have been magnificent all day. They really enjoyed having a burger for lunch and their first visit to the Tuck shop too. Finally, today is SB's birthday. Kindly, using some money provided to him, he decided to buy every child a wristband from the tuck shop to help them remember their visit. A lovely touch. He has been sung "Happy Birthday" by many leaders and a card provided by the centre too. The children are preparing for dinner and then some evening activities. 

Mr Hopson

Monday Afternoon - PGL

Monday Evening Update from PGL

The children have settled in nicely in to their dormitories and to life at PGL. They have a fantastic group leader called Pete (a popular name on this residential) who has shown them around the site, introduced some of their activities they will do during the week and explained the dining processes too. The children are finishing off their day by playing a game called "Passport Around the World" before they get themselves ready for bed. 

I will do my best to provide evening updates on this page across the week. 

Best Wishes,

Mr Hopson


DT - Developing Structures

Air Resistance - Science - 5.9.23
