

  • When are school holidays and term dates?
    • All term dates can be found by clicking on the link below: In addition to these dates, we have 5 INSET days per year.


  • Where can I purchase school uniform?
    • School uniform is available from various Supermarkets and high street shops.  If you wish to purchase uniform embroidered with the school logo, please visit


  • What time does the school day start and finish?
    • Registration is at 8.55am, unless attending Breakfast Club children should arrive by this time so that they are ready to learn at 9am.  The school day finishes at 3.20pm.  Please note that Year R children will start on a bespoke part time timetable.


  • Is my child eligible for Free School Meals?
    • Currently, all children in Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM).  Children in KS2 don't receive Universal Free School Meals, however, some families may be still be entitled to Free School Meals.  Please click here to check eligibility.


  • Can my child bring a packed lunch to school?
    • Yes, but due to allergies in school, we are a strictly nut free site.


  • What can I do to help stop my children losing things while at school?

    • It always helps if everything your child brings into school is clearly marked, particularly clothing, footwear, watches, water bottles and stationery. We would also advise children not to bring in possessions, which can easily be broken or sadly missed if lost. The school cannot accept responsibility for any items left unattended on school property.


  • What should I do if my child is late?
    • Children who arrive at school after 8.55am must enter by the front entrance and report to the school office where they will be signed in late.  Please note that a parent or carer must attend with the child to sign hem in if late and book a lunch if required.  This also has to be recorded in the register


  • How do I report an Absence?

    • If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason at any time, please telephone the school on the first day of absence after 8.30am and by 9.30am at the latest.  Please telephone 02392 412095.


  •  Can I take my child out of school for a holiday?

    • Children have 13 weeks annual holiday from school and school holiday dates are published well in advance online. As such, all parents/carers are expected wherever possible to plan and take their family holidays at this time so as not to disrupt their children’s education. Since September 2013 headteachers have only been able to grant a leave of absence for exceptional circumstances. As a rule of thumb a family holiday or travelling abroad is not considered to be an exceptional reason.  Please visit for further information.


Through our Christian Values of Courage, Creativity and Respect, we will create a nurturing environment which fosters curiosity and an achievement culture for all. We will pursue high expectations in both pupils’ learning and their personal development within our supportive and friendly environment with a strong community ethos. Through an adaptive and child-centred curriculum, we will meet the needs of each individual to prepare them for their future.