Teaching children to keep themselves safe online is an important part of our job as a school.
However it is just as important that parents are aware of the dangers and ensure their children are safe at home. There is a huge range of devices in the home which connect to the internet, from smart phones and computers to televisions and games consoles.
Remember – Internet Service Providers (such as Virgin, BT, Sky and PlusNet) all have parental controls which you need to ‘switch on’ – just contact your provider, take a look at these videos here.
Click here for more information!
Top Tips!
Games Consoles such as Xbox or Playstation all have parental controls which can be enabled in the ‘Settings’ . However, they only work if your child is playing on account which has their information. In other words if the console knows how old the player is!
PlayStation information is here.
Xbox information is here.
Nintendo information is here.
Website/app/game specific parent information (parentzone.org.uk) is here.
Childnet offers helpful information and guidance on a range of key online safety topics.
Common Sense Media helps you to research media that your child uses and offers age-based reviews.
Get Safer Online also covers many aspects of online security such as online banking, identity theft and keeping children safe.
There is a great Digital Parenting guide from Vodafone here – this contains details of setting up mobile phones with parental controls and how to use safety modes on other apps and services.