


At Rowlands Castle St John’s, we intend to expose children to a wide range of children’s literature. We believe that through a rich-text driven curriculum, engaging storytelling, drama and reading, the door to good quality and imaginative writing can be opened. The English curriculum is implemented through daily Guided Reading, Phonics/Spelling lessons and daily English lessons in all year groups. There is also an expectation that teachers read aloud to their classes every day to instill a love of reading and widen pupils’ literary repertoire further. We follow the Hampshire learning journey approach to English units where a clear purpose, audience and outcome drives what the children write. This also structures our Medium Term Planning into ‘Stimulate and Generate’, ‘Capture, Sift and Sort’ and ‘Create and Evaluate’ in order to cover each year group’s relevant objects in a meaningful and inspiring way that leads to an end goal. The impact we strive to achieve is that pupils apply these skills with increasing independence across the year and build upon them year on year to leave our school and competent and confident readers and writers with an interest to continue reading widely in their future adults lives. 

Through our Christian Values of Courage, Creativity and Respect, we will create a nurturing environment which fosters curiosity and an achievement culture for all. We will pursue high expectations in both pupils’ learning and their personal development within our supportive and friendly environment with a strong community ethos. Through an adaptive and child-centred curriculum, we will meet the needs of each individual to prepare them for their future.