
Value Statements



School Values


At Rowlands Castle St John’s CEC Primary we place great emphasis on individual needs and the curriculum; we have the tremendous benefit of being able to broaden our children’s horizons thorough our Forest School and Outdoor Learning Environment. Music and sport also play a large part in our children’s experience.


We believe in educating the whole child so that we can shape our children to be citizens of the future. We believe it is essential that all children appreciate the value that they have within our school and the wider community.


As a church school we have three core values rooted in Christianity which underpin the ethos of the school: Creativity, Courage and Respect.


Benjamin Butterfly.


He is our symbol of creativity. Creativity is a core Christian value for our school because we want everyone to make use of their gifts to care for the world and create beauty within it.

The school nurtures everyone’s gifts and skills because this value is of ultimate importance for life.

On a daily basis we want children to carry the value of creativity to be caretakers of God’s world for all those within it and continue to improve it.

Creativity – Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.






Lydia Lion.

Teaches us all about Courage. This is a core value for our school because Jesus inspires us to be courageous and stand up for what is right in all circumstances.

Courage – Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.​​​​​​​










Timothy Turtle.


This is our symbol of respect. Respect is an important core value in the Christian faith because it is the foundation stone of relationships within our school and wider community.

Respect – Titus 2:7 - Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.


