
Covid Catch-up action plan

Rowlands Castle St John’s Catch-up Action Plan 2020-2021


Number of pupils on roll: 205

Allocation per child: £80

Total funding over the academic year: £16,400


When developing the Covid Action Plan, we referred to the COVID-19 SUPPORT GUIDE FOR SCHOOLS from the E.E.F.


Allocation (What will the funding be spent on)

Category (EEF)

Desired Impact


Action by who?


Action by when?


Additional 17.5 LSA hours in EYFS weekly.


Teaching: access to high quality teaching


Targeted Support: Interventions


Pupils starting school in EYFS class will have more adult directed intervention time due to higher adult ratios.


Off-track pupils will make accelerated progress over time in EYFS.


Additional small-group intervention

£6,650 for year

JP and EB

September 2020

Enhancing schools Pupil Progress Systems:

  • For 3 afternoons a week, an additional teacher in each class across KS1 and KS2.


  • Class teachers given additional time to ‘re-teach’, ‘pre-teach’ and ‘plug gaps’ for pupils in their class whilst another area of the curriculum is being enhanced by a teacher with that expertise.


  • Class have access to a different teacher each week with different subject specialisms to enhance their learning of the curriculum.






Teaching: access to high quality teaching


Targeted Support: Interventions


Interventions in place can be delivered by class teachers in addition to usual LSA deployment. This will be planned for following on from the November data drop.


Off-track pupils will make accelerated progress over time in all year groups.


Time given for teachers in lessons to move pupils’ learning on within 1:1 and small group interventions and supports teacher workload.


Class teacher knows their children best and is able to deliver personalised provision based on areas of need most effectively.


£6,148 for Spring and Summer terms.

JP and EB

December 2020

HIAS support for curriculum and moderating judgements made across year groups.


  • English: Curriculum and 1 day consultancy from HIAS advisor
  • Mathematics: Curriculum and 1 day consultancy from HIAS advisor
  • EYFS: 1 day consultancy from HIAS advisor (in addition to support visits for moderation)


Teaching: Assessment and CPD

Planning and resources for children to ensure they are able to deliver high quality lessons.


Curriculum planned to teach concepts from previous year which children missed due to Lock Down. Progressive approach which builds on knowledge and skills.


Core subject leaders to experience ‘deep dive’ approach in monitoring their subject.

£740 per day inspector rate x 3

= £2,220



(PH, EB and GA)

January 2021

‘New to Year 2’ course from HLTC for job-share teachers in Year 2.



Teaching: CPD

Pupils in Year 2 will have high quality teaching that enables them to make good progress towards age related expectations for the end of Key Stage 1.


Staff in Year 2 are working in a job-share and have previously worked for different local authority in Year 2 / returning from maternity leave. They will be confident in their new roles in Year 2.



LB and DC

January 2021

Setting up individual logins for Google classroom homework and remote learning

Wider Strategy: Access to Technology

Pupils will have their own login for remote homework and learning without use of a parental email. This ensures the Google Classrooms no longer need a class code and keeps the platform safer and secure.

The cost covers texting and emailing these details out to all families.  




October 2020

School subscription to ‘Parent Cloud’ for virtual parents evenings throughout the year. 

Wider Strategy:

Sustaining parental engagement

All parents/carers will be able to engage with class teachers regularly throughout the year through this virtual platform.

Parents/carers will be informed with how they can best support their child to catch up at home.



October 2020

ELSA and FIEPS training for 2 x LSAs

Targeted Support: Interventions


Wider Strategy:

Social and Emotional Learning

Targeted interventions for pupils’ social and emotional development.


Pupils’ mental health and wellbeing can be fully supported in school.


Ensures that succession is planned for within the staff.

£535 for ELSA training


+ TBC for FIEPS (similar costing)


January 2021
