
Help The World Club

Who are we?

Nature Warriors!

This year, we have chosen to be champions of nocturnal animals endangered in our local area: bats and hedgehogs.  We are passionate about creating positive changes in our natural world.

In our first week, we chose our cause and created our aims for this Term.  We will start by focusing on hedgehogs:


To raise awareness of hedgehogs – what they are, what they need and how we can help them
To keep our school environment hedgehog friendly
To work to help them not to be endangered in the future – boost their numbers
To boost their numbers by giving them safe spaces in school
To promote making hedgehog safe spaces in peoples gardens
To monitor how hedgehogs live in our school so we can learn to help them
To make everyone aware how to keep them safe
Through our Christian Values of Courage, Creativity and Respect, we will create a nurturing environment which fosters curiosity and an achievement culture for all. We will pursue high expectations in both pupils’ learning and their personal development within our supportive and friendly environment with a strong community ethos. Through an adaptive and child-centred curriculum, we will meet the needs of each individual to prepare them for their future.